A KJDW must be established and subsequently managed with democratic principles by KJD members each of whom must have a valid RMN (registered membership number).
Each member of KJDW Managing Team must have a valid RMN.
A KJDW Managing Team at least comprises the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Coordinator, Capacity Building Coordinator, Bakpri Consultant, Bakmas Coordinator, and other required coordinators and consultants.
The main tasks and functions of KJDW are:
- to help its members in implementing Bakpri, Bakmas, Philantherapy, and Death Management properly;
- to coordinate the Bakmas activities around the given KJDW; and
- to boost co-operations with other KJDWs.
KJDW is autonomous. Each KJDW Managing Team is fully responsible to all KJD members in the given area.
Although each of all KJD members (who establish and manage a KJDW) is subject to be appointed and discharged by the central KJD, the hierarchy line between each KJDW and the central KJD is horizontal, not vertical.
In order to ensure transparency and accountability, each KJDW must have a regularly updated website or blog containing all data and information except those considered anonymous.
Each KJD member is strictly forbidden to involve KJD/KJDW directly and indirectly in any activities which:
- are potentially against the law prevailing within the jurisdiction of the given state;
- potentially disturb any religious groups;
- potentially disturb the peace as well as value system of any communities;
- are related with any commercial businesses; and
- are related with any political practices at local as well as national levels.
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